Your body knows - Be sure to listen.

Your body knows - Be sure to listen.
If you don't take care of yourself, your body will force you.

Now, I'm listening to me….most of the time the posts I do are "me reminding me" what's important for health. We all get carried away in the daily life stresses & trying to fit more in during the day no matter how late….shorting your self on a full meal cause their is things to be done or places to go.

Well early February, my body reminded me it's time to stop. My boy said he never seen me rest like that or be unwell….so ya it's been a while. A looooong while since I felt that way. My body was tired & sore….whatever virus that was,….was interesting.

Too many late nights & other life stresses that are on the mind here & it took over. And me not using all the tools I have. Saving them for others. Taking care of yourself matters. Your body will put up with you for a while. Not forever. Honor it.

A few things you can do….
  • Take detox baths. 1 cup Epsom salts, 1 cup baking soda, 10 drops copaiba & 4 drops Lavender Essential oils (guys should do it too!)
  • Topical oils like Thieves, Oregano, RC, Tea Tree, Pine, Lemon, and more (I used lots of oils!)
  • Proper sleep. You can't recharge if your not sleeping. Your body fixes lots of the mess you made while you're sleeping. Essential oils on your feet before bed like Dreamease, Dream Catcher, Cedarwood & Lavender.
  • Also to help sleep take a probiotic before bed. Much of your serotonin is produced in the gut. So yuck gut means little sleep.
  • One other thing I experimented with while I was down & out, a supplement made for kids to help them sleep & relax made with Magnesium & amino acids called UNWIND.
    • I knew magnesium was good for the nerves & muscles. So when my "skin was hurting & sore for anything to touch it",…I tired the "Unwind" supplement. Wow. I slept well and my skin was back to normal in the morning.
    • (Fun fact did you know Mg is actually needed by your DNA 🧬 for production & function? And for the heart, nervous system & for hormones ladies.
A little bit about my experience with whatever Virus that was…..& what I did.

Fever & chills set in & then the aches in my joints like I have never experienced before. My skin so sore like I'd get when I was run down….but it would only last a day. Not this time…. it was a couple days of that kind of sensitivity.
But I will tell ya the UNWIND still has me in awe. I took one packet of the Unwind before bed. And by morning my skin no longer was so sore to the touch. No sign of it. Win!

Of course Ningxia Red. I had no appetite. I didn't eat for 2 days with only Ningxia to drink & water. It's actually the only thing that tasted reasonable.

And Super C. Eating it like rodeo cotton candy. One every hour if I wasn't sleeping. I love that this one has cayenne pepper in it which is a detoxifier and blood cleanser. And Super D, which tastes amazing by the way, is the vitamin that used to be very underestimated and under valued. Our body uses sunshine & our hormones to make "D". But lets face it between seasons and many working at the office or in doors most of the day, we don't get the sunshine we need. 

I have no idea what I was fighting off but it was odd & nothing I've experienced before. Thank you Young Living for the items that kept me working though it all.

Now those are just a couple things I haven't even touched on diet or body movement yet….but key is to rejuvenate . 🛑

This world is filled with so much going on. You need to just BE. (Trust me I know how hard hat can be…) but you need to.
You gotta stop & take inventory of what you're doing to take care of you. And if you know it's not enough,…do something about it.

If you have questions, check in. Happy to serve. To get your hands on these amazing supplement, get yourself a FREE account to order what you desire as you need it right  HERE.

Cheers & much gratitude,