5 Smooth Stones.

5 Smooth Stones.
These last few years has felt like the world has been been dominated by Goliath. I'm sure, whether a believer or not, most people know of the story of  "David & Goliath". 

David conquered something far bigger than himself. Much much bigger. He went into battle with only 5 smooth stones. He came out a victor because of his 1 smooth stone but what wasn't seen was the armor of courage he had through his faith. He believed he would.

Now I don't know about you, but I do believe. I grew up going to catechism & saying the Lord's prayer before bed every night. Truth be told I barely understood much from my catechism because it seemed so deep with not enough for an elementary child to understand. 

So over the years I drifted from what seemed was too hard to understand. But always had my faith intact because I have witnessed my prayers answered. However I was not giving enough gratitude to them as I rushed busily through life. Complacency really. 

I'm sure like many the last few years, as we all spent time away from the things would have normally been doing, we've reevaluated much. I was also craving more peace. Ironically enough, at the beginning for this whole world changing event, I had a very odd sense of peace. Very odd. The old me would have been "wigging out'! 

But I was still seeking more peace. I don't watch TV, watch movies, or listen to the radio much (but I do looooove music). I found it out working with my husband & boy while moving cows or in the garden & in nature. In August though, there were a couple things happen that got me to the core. It shook me to the point of  "what is happening to this world! And no matter where we go we can't get away from all of this!" 

As I stood there in those thoughts,....in the sprinkling rain & under two rainbows, my faith tapped me on the shoulder & said,..."Remember me, I am still here.,...See?",...as I stared at the beauty all around me & over me. That moment changed everything for me. (I actually wrote about the experience in my very 1st blog post if you desire to hear about it.)

To me it was God's way of reminding me that He's still on control. 

Later that fall, my boy & I went for a walk & the neighours were out so we stopped for a visit & of course some of the life & times popped up. A week later she asked if I was interested in "relearning about faith". Since she knew I was craving comradery, & deeper peace, the offer was graciously accepted to a bible study once a week. Just her & I. 

This visit been the peace that found me. The peace I needed.  Around Christmas time I also added to the mix by bringing out my 12 Ancient Scripture oils collection & enjoyed it for 12 days. It was such a peaceful experience. I used it morning & night. (That's a whole separate story... ) Check it out here.

Now stay with me here....I'm getting to the good part.

Just before Christmas time she shared a really cool online church, who has weekend services filled with TONS of music & great messages. So we took in some through December. But the one that got me was the vary first one for 2022. 

5 SMOOTH STONES to carry in 2022. 

The pastor shared this in the most moving way for todays times. For a rookie of the word on a deeper level like me,....this made sense. He shared 5 GIANTS of life we can come across. With that though,....we can look to the other side.

He gave some scripture quotes you could lean on. Now if you aren't much for scripture person, all good. Just check out some of my notes I made on each & just take what it means to you from it.

Here are my personal notes I thought I'd share.

Giant of Discouragement - Set your eyes on God.
2 Chronicles 20:12 - We don't know what to do but our eyes are on you. (Dont look outside of yourself.)
Romans 8:28 - Good things come to those who are good people. All things together for the good
Proverbs 24:16 - Fall 7 times get back up. (Keep on going!)

Giant of Apathy - Work harder for God's glory.
1 Corinthians 15:10 - Worked harder than all of them. Giving up is not an option. (We are hard working people.)
1 Corinthians 26-27 - If you think you're the last person who change the world....you might be just the person God is looking for.  (Work like you are that person.)
2 Chronicles 20:7 - Stand firm in your position. Don't be afraid. Do not be discouraged. Go out & face them. God is with you.
Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, do with all your heart. 
Galatians 6 - Do not be weary of doing good! We will harvest if we don't give up.

Giant of Worry - Choose prayer.
Philippians 4:6 - Don't be anxious about anything but rather pray with thanks & give your request.

Giant of Deception - Believe truth.
Timothy 6-20 - Guard what's been entrusted to your care. Notice what's falsely called knowledge.
Jerimiah 9- In the absence of truth no society can stand.

Giant of Pessimism - Have faith and a vision.
Philippians 1:6 - Be confident that He has begun good work in you will carry it out to completion.
Paul - He can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine by His power within us. 

I have to say that these couldn't be more perfect for 2022. And let me tell you... at this present time in Canada, January 2022, these are so fitting as we deal with many of these GIANTS governments have put before us.

But to see how these 5 SMOOTH STONES are currently bringing the GIANT DOWN,.... is every bit of Biblical as it gets. 

What ever it is you need to do to find your way through these current times, I hope it gives you faith, however you see it. Especially, as you look around the world right now & what is happening with humanity. 

I am a proud Canadian, again, who has faith this will all be the story of David all over again.

Cheers & much gratitude,

Photo credit: unknown.